2021 HDKP Announces Winner of Best Holiday Window

The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership is honored to announce the 2021 Downtown Kennewick Holiday Window Contest winner. The winner is Chic & Unique, located at 318 W Kennewick Avenue.  The winner will receive as their prize, a blade sign to brand their business. This year’s runners-up included Memory Lane and Threads Boutique.

The Holiday Windows were judged in the third week of December by independent judges from different organizations in downtown Kennewick.  

“We are always impressed by the imagination and creativity of our Downtown businesses, ” says Director, Stephanie Button. “Their use of decor and lights to showcase their storefront brings the holiday spirit to life in Downtown Kennewick.” 

Please join us in congratulating Chic and Unique, the Best Holiday Window Winner! You can see all the Downtown Kennewick windows decorated for the holidays through the end of the year.