Ribbon Cutting Planned for Clover Island Improvements
When: Friday, May 12, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. to 4:00p
What: Celebration of Clover Island Shoreline Improvements
Where: 101 Clover Island Drive, Kennewick, WA; near the Clover Island Lighthouse
RSVP: or 509-586-1186
Kennewick, Wash. — On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. the community is invited to join the Port of Kennewick and its investment partners in celebrating completion of habitat and recreation improvements to Clover Island’s northern shoreline.
The project restored a half-mile of shoreline and nearly an acre of shallow water habitat to benefit upper Columbia River spring Chinook salmon, upper and mid-Columbia River steelhead and bull trout; and provide benefits to other birds, wildlife, and aquatic species at Clover Island. In addition, the Clover Island Riverwalk was extended; scenic viewpoints, benches and educational panels added; and four upland parcels readied for development.
May 12th festivities include a ribbon cutting and a public reception at the lighthouse plaza and the newly created scenic overlooks. Participants are asked to RSVP to the port office.